About DeeAhDra
DeeAhDra is a channeler of Star Language and Galactic frequencies of color, vibrational light, and tones. She is versed in many Star Languages, she is a visionary futuristic artist, when she paints, she dives into cosmic multidimensional field bringing in New Earth Frequencies for the planet and humanity. DeeAhDra uses her gifts of frequencies in each session. When in nature she tones to the Elements, Mother Earth and the 7 Directions, she Codes, Tones, Language of Light and Frequencies of color in her artwork, sessions, and with Mother Earth.
DeeAhDra uses the Language of Light to up-level humanity and Mother Earth.
DeeAhDra is a:
- Vibrational Language of Light Artist
- Energetic Healer/Language of Light (Star Languages)
- Galactic Shamanism/ Pachakuti Mesa Tradition/ Shamanism (journeys, drum circles, clearing homes, business, animals)
- Certified Access Consciousness Bars Facilitator
- Reiki Master
- Sound Bowl Therapy
- Crystal Grid Healing
- And More!
- Art Education BS, Master of Selected Studies, Master of Administration
- Art Education Teacher 1992-present
How I Work With People
I Create Creative Expressions. I am a Vibrational Visual Artist, energic healer and love crystals. My work is specific to each person. I tune into what you need and work with your body, mind and spirit to bring in the frequencies of light to empower you to let go of what is not needed, to forgive, to create a new pathway for your journey in this life.
Crystals are one of my favorite energies on the planet. They have been in my energy field since I was a child. I wanted to be a gemologist when I was a young. I have always had a love of their colors and how they make me feel when I hold them. They talk to me I would say! I love them! They share their love, energy, and history with me and with all humanity, if we are listening! Check out the tab to see what crystals you are drawn to you!
I’d love to connect with you and assist you on your continued life journey…
Check out all the services offered here:
My Life Story and the Language of Light
I am so honored to have worked with so many amazing healers over the years, who have helped me release fears, anxiety, and anger, among other emotional traumas that have held me back from being ME.
Today, I release the past and choose to help others. I live in Love while sharing my Gifts, Talents and Abilities. Thank you to the people I have had in my life.
Artist Statement
Francis Bacon said: “The job of the artist is always to deepen the MYSTERY”.
I paint to enlighten, to open a new point of view, a point of seeing and Being beyond my past.
I allow Oneness to open my heart to unseen realities.
An Altar-alters perception, just as a crystal alters consciousness. Subtle vibrations of light alter my seeing and being.
You may ask yourself the same things I ask myself.
- What am I really seeing?
- What am I feeling?
- Am I feeling?
- What are the subtle feelings I am not yet aware of?
- What is beyond my usual perception?
Allow the color, the light, the frequencies to open your Spirit!
We habitually live in either the past or the future; we live resisting the past and being seduced by a future that does not yet exist.
The present moment is that narrow bridge between past and future; where ego-self and Spirit-Self come together. This is where we are all-knowing without any limits or boundary. It is said, “What you see is what you get.” In this case, what we see is how we are projecting upon what we are looking at based upon our past.
Step for a moment into my world. Take in these paintings with your heart, your whole self and a healthy sense of wonder. Wonder is the objective. I am asking you to see differently. When you look at these, look inward into the heart of you! You are gazing at yourself, a reflection of your Spirit. Be open to receive Vibrations of Light from Spirit!
Spirit Name-DeeAhDra-
Beauty Walker-
White Feather-ShaNara-
Rising Dawn-
About My Artwork: The Creations of Light
Step for a moment into my world. Take in these paintings with your heart, your whole self and a healthy sense of wonder. Wonder is the objective. I am asking you to see differently. When you look at these, look inward into the heart of you! You are gazing at yourself, a reflection of your Spirit.
I have loved the Arts since I was a child, and I continue exploring this field to this day with Ease, Joy, and Grace. My passion is painting. I’ve been gifted in this lifetime to bring forth this talent and with the healing work that I do to help others release through the Language of Light and Rays of Light.
These paintings – and the energetic healing work from Spirit-Source-Divine-The All that IS – have shown me how to infuse the paintings, as they are painted with Language Codes and Keys of Light. The paintings are infused with crystals and then inlaid on the canvas, thus radiating the Light Codes. I do work for the good of humanity and the planet. I know these paintings are a gift to be shared with all that choose them.
I now release these paintings and allow them to find their new homes. They are not here for me to keep to myself.
I wish to share my artwork with you…They have assisted many people release and free the self of ego, pain, sadness, illness, disease, anger, disillusionment, irritability, and pride. They activate the soul with the keys of the Divine Blueprint.
Being an artist is my passion. Painting with Spirit for you and humanity brings me joy and peace. Allowing Source to guide me has allowed the vibrational energies to come alive in these works of art. I am a vibrational artist, healer, and Language of Light Coder of the Keys for New Earth. The Rays of Source come through me onto the canvas, thus radiating the frequencies of light to all that interact with them.
Information about Light Language
Light Language comes from Stars.(Star Language). These language shows up in many sounds, dialects, codes, frequencies, symbols, hand movements, songs, and tones. They are an ancient and futurist form of communication that we as souls have within us and inherently know. There are many languages from the Galactic Nations, Animals, Elementals, Crystals, Angels, Archangels, Masters, planetary systems, and universes.
These frequencies are Cosmic Multi-dimensional thus assisting in revitalizing the doormat Adamic Blueprint within each of us! Light Language helps us to release energetic blocks, bypass the mental mind, activate the DNA and RNA, release emotional, physical, mental healing, access your innate wisdom, and initiates ascension.
Light Language creates a geometric codes and keys that are needed to activate a person’s Light Body.
How I Light language in my services:
In my sessions, I allow my Higher Self and your Higher Self to connect through our Guides, Angels, Archangels, Power Animals, Elements, Ancestors and the Beings of Light that work with us! I allow these benevolent Being to guide our session(s). As a Galactic Being, I have traveled the universe for eons of time, these learnings, teaching, codes, and frequencies are spoken, thru sounds codes, hand movement, can be written, or painted.
During a session, you may ask questions to release what is no longer needed: mentally, physically, and emotionally. In this process your being releases and your light body beings to rise.
How I use Light language in my paintings:
I have been creating art since she was a child–drawing, painting, dancing, drumming and writing throughout her artistic career. I worked with students in the arts for the last 25 years. As time moved on, I created my own artistic style, incorporating these elements, metaphysical teachings, my soul gifts from the Star Nations, Galactic Federation of Light and Beings of Light into each painting. I infuse energy healing through the Language of Light into the crystals and paintings as I am creating each piece. These light codes and keys are gifted by the Galactic Nations to heal the body, mind, soul and home of owner. I am guided by the Star Nations in each painting. All Paintings are infused with the vibration of color, light, and sound frequencies of the Language of Light from the Star Nations.
My Artistic Process
I work with paint, brush, palette knife, the other tools of the trade to move across the canvas creating Creations of Light.
When I am in nature I am in my divine essence. In this elevated state, I see through and beyond the so called “normal.” Then creativity erupts like a fountain. Herein my passion comes to life, allowing the brush, the palette, and color to play.
My Inspirations
My Inspirations come from Spirit and nature.
When I am in nature I am in my divine essence.
In this elevated state, I see through and beyond the so called “normal.”
Then creativity erupts like a fountain.
Herein my passion comes to life, allowing the brush, the palette, and color to play.
Play is the essence of Joy,
Joy is the center of all creation,
the Heart of Spirit which is Love!
Look deeply; Feel, Allow, and Be!
- Access Consciousness Facilitator/Practitioner
- Sound Bowl Meditations and Healing
- Cross-Cultural Shamanic Arts by don Oscar Miro-Quesada. The Pachakuti Mesa Tradition
- Angelic Healing Arts Practitioner
- Angelic Card Reader
- New Paradigm MDT
- Reconnection Practitioner
- Reiki Master & Teacher
- Seraphim Blueprint Practitioner
- I practice Universal Shamanism
- As a student of Peruvian Curandero, Psychologist and Author don Oscar Miro-Quesada Solevo. The heart and soul of his Peruvian Pachakuti lineage, offers a particularly powerful vision for our times — one that spans from cosmic understandings to specific personal healing practices.